Flying Clearly or Flying (Nearly)? Maladies That Disqualify You to Be a Pilot

Education & Development Blog

It's no wonder that a lot of idealistic kids in kindergarten want to be a pilot when they grow up: it certainly seems like a glamorous life, getting to fly when the rest of humanity remains grounded, traveling to distant places and countries, and getting to see the world from an entirely new perspective. But not just anybody can be a pilot—there are a few things that can downright disqualify you from ever being a pilot, in fact.

28 October 2016

4 Things You Might Not Know About Cosmetology School

Education & Development Blog

People have some deeply misguided beliefs about cosmetology school. A good chunk of people believe that cosmetology school simply imparts knowledge of the latest haircut trends and fashions to a person before sending them out into the world as a stylist or cosmetologist. However, cosmetologists wind up learning a great deal about numerous subjects, in addition to being able to forecast trends about the most up and coming hairstyles. The subjects range from everything as disparate as business, physiology, and anatomy!

19 January 2016

Considering Catholic School? Four Answers To Common Questions

Education & Development Blog

It's likely that you have a lot of questions if you are considering private school for your middle school-aged child. This is especially true if Catholic school is one of the options. The following answers to common questions can help you decide if a Catholic middle school is the right choice for your family. Question #1: Do you have to be Catholic to attend? Answer: Most Catholic schools accept non-Catholic students, but with a few caveats.

12 October 2015